It can be easy to forget that your activity on social media is not simply a conversation between friends, but something that the whole world can bear witness to. In most cases this isn't a major problem, but it can quickly become one if you are in the middle of a personal injury lawsuit. The following tips can help ensure that you don't inadvertently harm your own case with a comment online.
The sixth amendment to the US Constitution grants you the right to a public trial if you are accused of a criminal offense. Just like other rights, however, there are circumstances that may make you lose your right to public trial. In that case, the trial may be held behind closed doors where attendance is restricted to the necessary participants. Here are four situations where trials may be held in closed courtrooms.
Minor aches and sprains are common when lifting weights. Pushing the body's muscles past the point of fatigue stimulates muscle growth. Injury risks increase at this point unless great care is taken while working out. Among the worst of all injuries would be a quadriceps tendon rupture, a tear that could complete separate the quad muscle from the kneecap. Brutal accidents are sometimes unavoidable, but irresponsibly and poorly managed gyms may very well share responsibility and liability for the injury.
When a loved one wrongfully dies, you have the right to sue the person responsible for this death. This is done through a personal injury wrongful death lawsuit, and there are multiple types of damages you can ask for. When the loved one is a child, it can be harder to put a dollar amount on damages, and the majority of the settlement amount will be based on speculation. Here are two things to know if you are working with a lawyer after the wrongful death of your child.
Insurance providers will typically try to avoid bad faith lawsuits as much as possible to protect the reputations of their companies. Yet bad faith lawsuits aren't only troublesome for insurance companies. They're also a hassle for plaintiffs because of all the expense and time consumed by the lawsuit process.
If your insurance company is denying your claim after an accident has damaged or totaled your car, you should definitely try all of the following before filing a bad faith lawsuit: