4 Social Media Tips During A Personal Injury Case

It can be easy to forget that your activity on social media is not simply a conversation between friends, but something that the whole world can bear witness to. In most cases this isn't a major problem, but it can quickly become one if you are in the middle of a personal injury lawsuit. The following tips can help ensure that you don't inadvertently harm your own case with a comment online.

Tip #1: Inform Your Lawyer

Let your lawyer know each and every social website you participate in online. Many law firms now employ social media consultants. Their job is to help clients close any privacy loopholes in social media accounts. They will also help you look at past postings and remove anything that may harm your case. It's vital that you follow any advice given by your lawyer or the consultant. They are working in your best interest to ensure that you and your case have the best chances of success.

Tip #2: Put Everything on Lockdown

Set all your privacy settings to the highest setting possible. This means only friends and family can see your posts – no acquaintances or friends of friends. Don't approve any tags from your friends, and don't post anything that you don't want shared. In most cases, your best bet is to stop posting completely or to avoid posting anything personal. It's also a good idea to decline any new friend requests until after your case is resolved, just in case it is actually someone snooping.

Tip #3: Anything Can Be Used Against You

You might think you are safe because you aren't posting anything directly related to your injury or the case. Think again. If you go out dancing with friends, even if you spend the whole evening sitting on the sidelines, someone may get the wrong idea. If this information falls into the defense's hands, they may use it to try and show that your injury isn't as severe as you say. Even moments of false bravado, where you say you are feeling fine even though you aren't, can be used against you. This why it is best to lock down your profile and to post as little as possible.

Tip #4: Monitor Your Friends and Family

It's a good idea to keep tabs on the accounts of your extended network, even if you opt to take a hiatus from social media. Your friends and family could inadvertently post something that hurts your case, and chances are their privacy settings aren't as high as yours. Ask friends and family to remove photos, videos, or comments that feature you or are about you until after your case has been resolved.

For more information, talk to an attorney like Kornfeld Robert B Inc PS.
