Understanding If Your Bad Surgical Experience Was Medical Malpractice

When you go to the hospital or doctor's office for surgery, you put your trust in the hands of your surgeon and the team of other doctors and nurses that they work with. Most of the time, this trust that you put into your medical team is well-founded and the team does their job properly. The problem is that sometimes this is not the case, and your find yourself worrying that something is amiss. If you have a bad surgical experience and wonder if your doctors did not do everything they were supposed to do for you, you may be considering filing a malpractice suit against them. However, you will first want to take a few steps to determine if your bad surgical experience would qualify as medical malpractice so that your lawsuit will have a strong foundation.

The Explanation Of The Circumstances Doesn't Make Sense

While you cannot be expected to understand all of the exact medical terminology that your doctors and nurses use, if something went wrong with your surgery, they should be able to give you a straight answer as to what happened and why. If your doctors and nurses seem hesitant to explain the situation or the stories do not seem to add, you may have a situation where the medical team is trying to cover their tracks because of something that was done incorrectly.

Be sure that you ask your doctor to explain what happened during surgery in detail and in layman's terms. If you are still unsure about this explanation, you may want to contact a medical malpractice or personal injury attorney like one from Snyder & Wenner, P.C. to discuss your circumstances and issues.

Get Your Surgical Records And Consult With Another Doctor

When you are feeling unsure about whether or not your surgeon was negligent, you will want to request a copy of all of your surgical records before, during, and after the surgery. These detailed records will give a meticulous accounting of what was done and all of the steps that were taken in your medical care.

Once you have a copy of these records, you will want to get a second opinion about your experience and outcome. The reason for getting an outside opinion is that there is a "standard of care" process for every type of medical procedure that should be followed closely. If there is a major deviation from that standard of care, then malpractice and negligence may have occurred. Another doctor in the same field will be able to notice any deviations from these standards of care.

Now that you know a few of the steps to take to determine if you have a legitimate medical malpractice case on your hands, you can move forward in the process and get the restitution that you need and deserve if your surgeon was negligent with your care.
