Don't Make These 5 Mistakes After Your Automobile Accident

If you have been injured in an automobile accident, you will likely have a lot to do as a result of the accident. Dealing with medical issues, wrecked cars, and financial problems can take a toll on you, leaving you feeling drained and stressed out. It's easy when you are in this frame of mind to make mistakes that could cost you your personal injury case, however. Read on for more information on avoiding these 5 mistakes after your accident.

1.  Failing to document your injuries. This could cause you to be unable to recall events and be unable to show the extent of your injuries. As soon as you are able, you should begin to document your injuries--both physical and emotional.

  • See a doctor immediately and make sure that the doctor knows that you have been in an accident. You need to have this documented in the medical records from the beginning.
  • Begin keeping a journal as soon possible. List everything related to the accident, beginning with the accident itself, your medical treatments, how you are feeling, how the accident has affected you, etc.
  • Take photos of your injuries as best as you can, enlisting the help of a family member if needed.

2.  Forgetting that you may be under surveillance. Insurance companies commonly use surveillance techniques to catch you doing activities that you may be claiming you cannot do. You could have someone following you as you go to your medical appointments or as you shop for groceries. You should always assume you are being videoed and photographed. In fact, says that many claims have been thrown out just because footage of people walking to the doctor's office proved that they were well enough to do physical labor at work.

3.  Posting about your accident on social media. It's only natural to seek sympathy and vent about your accident to your friends on social media, but be extremely careful about what you say. You may be tempted to minimize your injuries to spare your friends, but these words could come back to haunt you.

4.  Signing away your chances at compensation. The other party's insurance company will be eager to have you sign a settlement agreement. In fact, they may threaten that you must sign now or you will give up your right to sue. Don't sign anything without guidance from an attorney. Talk with Marquard & Associates for more information.

5.  Waiting too long to file a claim. Every state has a statute of limitations, so time is of the essence. Do not delay, or your chances to be compensated could be lost forever.

Any of the above mistakes could cause you to be denied adequate compensation for your auto accident injuries. A personal injury attorney should be contacted as soon as possible after your accident to ensure that you follow all the guidelines to get the injury compensation you deserve.
